The Shark Reef Marine Reserve in Fiji

From a faint idea in 2018 to the final book five years later.

This coffee table book is the culmination of five years of photography in and around Fiji’s Shark Reef Marine Reserve and hundreds of hours of editing, writing, and designing. When I first came to dive in the reserve in 2015, nearly ten years ago, I knew this story needs to be told and carried into livingrooms around the world. The setup involving the local communities, the actual research that has come out of the reserve and the continued advocacy and awareness the team behind Beqa Adventure Diving is raising, is truly remarkable.


The shark dives have created a win-win-win situation: the sharks are protected, the local economy benefits by thousands of visiting divers, and the communities that gave up fishing in the reserve are now catching more fish through spillover after nearly 20 years of protection.

The book tells the story of how this reserve came to be, interviews leading scientists, the founder Mike Neumann and a shark feeder, dives into the current science on feeding sharks and so much more!

Available now in my shop!


32 cm x 27 cm


165 pages with more than 100 photos

Printed on FSC-certified paper

Text: English

Book description

Beqa Adventure Divers (BAD) in Fiji is by no means a conventional dive center. Besides providing incredible shark experiences with up to eight shark species, continuous advocacy and a self-sustaining ecotourism operation, their efforts led to the creation of Fiji‘s first National Marine Park, the Shark Reef Marine Reserve in 2014.

Working closely with the local communities, the BAD team has created a world-renowned shark dive that offers thrilling yet safe shark encounters while facilitating local shark conservation and educating thousands of divers every year.

Moreover, BAD‘s scientific research support has led to more than a dozen publications shedding more light on shark tourism and revealing new insights into the lives of Fiji‘s sharks. This book tells the story of the Shark Reef Marine Reserve and its day-to-day operations, dives into the science behind shark feeding, interviews some of the leading shark scientists and, above all, showcases photographs of these beautiful animals taken in the reserve over a period of six years.