My daily vegan breakfast | A booster for your day!
I thought it would be nice to share my daily vegan breakfast with you guys. As some readers might now, I changed my lifestyle fo a vegetarian one in beginning of February this year.If you like, have a look at my post I wrote six weeks after my decision, which was greatly discussed by different opinions and ways of thinking. By now, I am almost only eating vegan, the more I find and try out, the more I am convinced of this way of living. I respect animals as equals and find it hard to close my eyes concerning the treatment of them. In addition, I am eating way better than before my diet change and one favourite meal of mine is my daily breakfast, Almost every single day I am having the following breakfast in changing variations. The fruits can be replaced by others depeneding on what you guys like.
- Oat Flakes
- Soy milk / Oat milk (find out which brand you like the most, I for example love this one: Alpro Soya Drink Vanille
- Banana
- Apricot
- Kiwi
- Nectarine
- Grapes
- Different kind of seeds and/or nuts (I like flexseed and pimpkin seeds)
- All kinds of other fruits you like
- Cinammon
- Different types of berries (there are good frozen choices - you can keep them in a freezer and just use a little every day)
Cut in all in small pieces, which will take you only a couple of minutes, the same amount of time you´d need to prepare a bread. So this breakfast is suitable for all people, even those that "don´t have time". It also gives you an awesome start into the day woth loads of vitamins, dietary fibers, proteins and carbohydrates.
[su_quote]“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
Mahatma Gandhi
I also should mention, that wev are talkig bout lox costs. It is actually cheaper than eating bread, butter and cheese or salami on your bread and whatever else you need for breakfast. A packet of oat flakes is cheap and lasts quite a few days. Sure, the soy milk is more expensive than cow milk, but one pack will last me 3-4 days. If we coming from 1,80 Euro or so for the milk, it makes 60 Cents a day - which is after my opinion for good food not to much. Then you have to buy the fruits, but they should be on your diet plan anyway (are they?). So just buy a little more and use them to charge your morning cereals with. Dont´forget your body is a crucial part when it comes to health and life time. So don´t save money at the wrong end if you´re looking at something, that might cost a third-more than the normal product. Don´t only go for cheap, unhealthy junk food, see your spent money it instead as an investment in the most important in your life: your health.
And like I said, these cereals aren´t going to empty your wallet. They are a plant based, heathy and cheap alternative to the common breakfast of white bread with salami, coffee and cigarette ;-)
I´d be intersted if anyone of you guys reading this have a similar breakfast like this one or if you say, this is not your thing you prefer a completely different breakfast! Please share your opinion in the comment section!